Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of having to say goodbye to my first dog pal since I have tried to be an adult. Rudy Roy was his name. Everything I know about dog I learned from him. He found us on July 4th 1995. We kept him knowing who he belonged to but not wanting to return him for ethical reasons. We became fugitives from the law. Within a month, we moved from a condo to a house. Two years later I became a dog photographer. So here's to Mr. Rudy, my dog poet, my red dog, my Blaze. I loved that dog.
Waiting for room service with bro Benny
Pillow snarking
Synchronized sniffing
Balls I chucked out at Marymoor after he died.
One of the last photos I took in May. He was 10yrs old. We had no idea he was sick yet.